Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee beverage with animated illustration
Coffee lovers, rejoice! On March 11th, Google brewed up a special treat – a delightful doodle celebrating the beloved flat white coffee. This animated illustration wasn’t just a random pick-me-up; it commemorated the day the term “flat white” was officially recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary back in 2011. The doodle itself was a charming depiction of the coffee-making process. Imagine a steaming cup overflowing with creamy goodness, complete with a latte art flourish – a common sight in cafes where baristas showcase their skills. But what exactly is a flat white, and why all the fuss? This espresso-based beverage,
New Year 2023: All party options at one place! Click and book your tickets now
Here are some ideas for affordable and tasty food options for New Year’s Eve: Finger foods and appetizers: Consider making a variety of dips, spreads, and finger foods that can be easily shared among guests. Some ideas include hummus, guacamole, bruschetta, buffalo chicken wings, and cheese and crackers. Potluck-style dinner: Invite friends and family to bring a dish to share, which can help keep costs down and ensure that there is a variety of food for everyone to enjoy. Some easy and budget-friendly dishes to consider include pasta salads, casseroles, and soups. Build-your-own-something: Set up a DIY station where guests
@Google #Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #127: Fun with Scratcher in Flutter
main.dart advanced.dart basics.dart scratch_box.dart
@Google #Flutter #126 : Flutter PHP MySQL Login and Register Tutorial With UI
Code will upload soon….
Flutter #123: Gesture Arena | Decoding Flutter
Gesture Arena | Decoding Flutter. Copy and paste the below code as per your requirements.
Flutter #121: Online Shop App – Flutter UI – Speed Code
Online Shop App – Flutter UI – Speed Code. Copy and paste the below code as per your requirements. main.dart constants.dart models/product.dart screens/details/components/body.dart screens/details/details_screen.dart screens/home/components/body.dart screens/home/home_screen.dart
Flutter #120: Apple iOS 16 Cupertino Switch in Flutter
Apple iOS 16 Cupertino Swtich in Flutter. Copy and paste the below code as per your requirements. To watch GTA 5, go to my youtube channel.